We have all heard the sayings:
“Kindness Counts!”
“Treat others as you would want to be treated.”
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
We read them, recite them and believe in them…yet how do we teach and live them?
I have been thinking a lot lately about how we guide our young and impressionable minds to demonstrate kindness. To not just talk about it, yet actually show it through acts of kindness that are visible. Not because of recognition, not because of what others think, but to show my own children that kindness is something they can spread, live and contribute to on a daily basis.
I have created a list to help guide me, so that my eight and twelve-year-old can also get involved and start building new habits in their own lives.
Buy a coffee for a person behind me in a line-up (in both a drive-thru and in person). Purchasing a drink face to face connects strangers in a different way.
Use the first name of an employee I am interacting with. Look for nametags in the grocery store line-up, at the gas station, in the coffee shops, etc. If at a restaurant, ask the server’s name at the start of the meal and use it throughout your time there.
Send a note to my children’s teacher, thanking them for all that they do.
Buy a chocolate bar and have my children write a thank you card for their bus driver.
Make brown bag lunches and drop them off to locations in need.
Bake cookies for the neighbours.
Take clothes, books and household donations to local organizations.
Donate money to a local charity and have the little humans in your life help choose and research a cause they would like to give back to.
Volunteer my time, and our families time in the community.
Pick-up garbage.
Check in with a friend or family member. Pick up the phone and make a connection.
Send a hand-written letter to a grandparent, friend or family member. Include a picture or drawing.
This by no means is an extensive list, yet one that I will implement with my own two children. I am currently making a bingo game of it and crossing off the items as we go. By adding blank squares to the card, it will provide opportunities for them to add their own voice and ideas of how to show kindness in their lives.
Kindness is the highlight of my second book, as direct teaching of this important character trait is essential in building strong and compassionate children. It also reminds us that we are the ones to lead the way and that our actions truly speak louder than words.
“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
In honour of spreading kindness in the world, here is a coupon code for 10% off of your purchase from my remarkable friends at Build Your Brave online boutique, where you can find this awesome BE KIND sweatshirt amongst many other fabulous items! You won't be disappointed.
NICOLE10 - Coupon Code
Nicole xoxo